The Victory 2017 Montclair Office is Now Open

The Democratic Party has opened its Victory 2017 Office at 314 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair.  Do you have 2 hours this summer to Change the State?

Over the next four months we will be working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the state. This election is incredibly important and we must do all we can elect progressive candidates who will not only resist the Trump agenda, but put in place a plan for our state that protects and improves Health Care, The Economy, Education, Infrastructure, Hudson River Tunnel, The Environment, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and countless other important causes.

Make your Voice Heard and Get Involved!

Volunteer Today for Phone Calls and Voter Registration

Montclair Election Office
Open as of Saturday July 8
314 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair
Saturday Hours: Noon to 6

Do you have 2 hours to change the State?

Voter Registration
Summer Shifts
Phone Bank 
Summer Hours
Saturday 10 AM to 1PM    Tuesday 4PM to 8PM
Saturday 1PM to 4PM Thursday 4PM to 8PM
Sunday 1PM to 4PM Saturday 2PM to 6PM
Weekday Evenings  


Click Here to Volunteer for Phone Banking and Voter Registration