Health Care Phone Banking

Phone-bank this Wednesday to stop the ruinous Senate "healthcare" bill


Tuesday Republican Senators voted to proceed with a floor vote on an amended version of their ruinous 'healthcare' bill.  It's now an uncertain path to what will ultimately be passed but whatever bill comes to the floor is sure to uninsure over 20 million people, according to cbo forecasts, and also gut long-term federal funding for all medicaid, which insures 75 million.
Join BWNJ Wednesday to call Maine progressives and urge them to call their Senator, Susan Collins. So far, Sen. Collins has been steadfast in opposition to the Senate Republicans efforts.  In fact, she was one of only 2 Republican Senators to vote against yesterday's procedural motion.  But she is and will continue to be under tremendous pressure as Republicans struggle to find 50 votes -- and if she goes, it's over.

It remains essential to provide positive reinforcement to Collins for her opposition to the bill in its current form and to ensure that she does not waver. We will ask voters to make it clear that no bill that cuts Medicaid enrollment, Medicaid spending, or compromises protections for people with preexisting conditions is acceptable.

Beat the Senate Healthcare Bill: Phone-bank to swing state voters this weekend

Please RSVP Below

We will provide a script, talking points, and the senator's phone number to give to those who agree to call (this is a list of sympathetic voters, and many have said that they have called before and will continue to call).

July 26, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
The Home of Sherri Neuwirth
61 Tuxedo Rd
Montclair, NJ 07042
United States
Google map and directions
Sherri Neuworth · · 973-464-5239

Will you come?