BlueWaveNJ Hosts ACLU Legal Director Ed Barocas
BlueWaveNJ Hosts the ACLU
Call the ACLU! That’s exactly what the BlueWaveNJ Civil and Constitutional Rights Committee did when it wanted to hear from the experts about civil liberties threats in the age of Trump, and what BlueWaveNJ, the ACLU, and all of us can do about it.
March 22nd Newsletter
Find Out What BlueWaveNJ Issue Committees have been up to with our latest newsletter!
Health Care Action
The independent Congressional Budget Organization estimates that 14 million Americans will be uninsured by 2018, 21 million by 2020 and 24 million by 2026. Insurers will be allowed to charge five time more for older enrollees than younger ones, substantially raising premiums for older people.
March 4th Newsletter
An update on what the BlueWaveNJ Issue Committees have been accomplishing.
BlueWaveNJ Sanctuary City Statement
BlueWaveNJ Statement on Montclair Town Council Resolution
On Tuesday night, Montclair's town council passed resolution R-17-024, affirming the township's embrace of diverse individuals and families, as well as Montclair’s policy of enforcing the law equally, regardless of a resident's federal immigration status.
Recess Resistance Week
It's Resistance Recess!
Make YOUR Congressman speak to you!
Today's list is long. PLEASE read all the way through it and make sure all of your friends and allies are aware of these important actions. We are resisting everything from eliminating the ACA, to deporting immigrants, to ripping through the Pinelands this week, and we need everyone involved.
Presidents Day Message
A President's Day Message From BlueWaveNJ President Marcia Marley
The Current Issue #1
Find out what our committees have been up to with the first issue of THE CURRENT!
BlueWaveNJ Protests Trumps Muslim Ban
On January 29th BlueWaveNJ members joined hundreds of protesters outside the Immigration Detention facility in Elizabeth NJ
BlueWaveNJ Members March Testimonials
BlueWaveNJ Members turning the tide!