The Fight for Justice: Senators Must Confirm Kristen Clarke

If there was ever a time when the U.S. Department of Justice must be in the best of hands, it’s now. And President Biden has nominated Kristen Clarke - just the type of leader that’s needed - to be Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.

For twenty years Kristen has fought against hate crimes, for voting rights and equal justice. First in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, then the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and, since 2015, as President of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. As Director of the Civil Rights Bureau of the New York Attorney General’s office, she secured accommodations from major companies to respect the rights of religious Jews for Sabbath observance, and obtained an agreement from the Boy Scouts of America to end discrimination against gay scout leaders. She has earned the support of every major civil rights organization as well as the Anti-Defamation League and the National Council of Jewish Women. If confirmed, Kristen will also be the first woman and first woman of color to lead the Civil Rights Division.

Yet Kristen’s confirmation to her DOJ leadership position is now “too close to call” thanks to a smear campaign spearheaded by far right spokesmen like Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, alleging Kristen to be a “Black racist” or “anti-Semite”. The Senate’s Judiciary Committee’s recent vote on her confirmation was strictly on party lines, with major Republican Senators like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz advancing Carlson’s talking points.

Every last vote will matter when Kristen’s nomination comes onto the Senate floor in the next days.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has spoken strongly that he needs Kristen to lead the Civil Rights Division, which he calls “the tip of the spear of the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure justice for all.” Only with a uniquely qualified person like Kristen in this key spot can President Biden’s commitments to racial justice, protecting voting rights and policing reforms succeed.

Take a few moments today to reach out to our Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, and tell them to assure Kristen Clarke’s appointment to lead the DOJ Civil Rights Division. Ask them to recommit their own votes and to reach out to their Senate colleagues to make this happen.


Call Scripts

New Jersey

Senator Booker - (202) 224-3224

Hello Senator Booker,

Thank you for your Judiciary Committee confirmation vote for Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and for your vote to allow the full Senate to take up her nomination. I am asking you to also reach out to your Senate colleagues to join you in supporting her.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the Civil Rights Division “the tip of the spear of the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure justice for all,” something that Kristen Clarke has spent her entire career at the heart of. President Biden’s commitment for racial justice, including the key issues of protecting voting rights and policing reform, will succeed only if a uniquely-qualified individual like Kristen is in this post. Importantly, if confirmed, Kristen will be the first African-American woman to hold this position.

We cannot allow partisan attempts to smear Kristen’s stellar record in the civil rights movement to derail her nomination. Every last vote will matter. Will you recommit yourself to work for Kristen Clarke’s confirmation?

I am ____________________________ from (town) ___________________. I request a response to this message.

Senator Menendez - (202) 224-4744

Hello Senator Menendez,

Thank you for your vote to allow the Senate to consider the confirmation of Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. I am asking you to commit to voting for her confirmation and to reach out to your Senate colleagues to do the same.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the Civil Rights Division “the tip of the spear of the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure justice for all,” something that Kristen Clarke has spent her entire career at the heart of. President Biden’s commitment for racial justice, including the key issues of protecting voting rights and policing reform, will succeed only if a uniquely-qualified individual like Kristen is in this post. Importantly, if confirmed, Kristen will be the first African-American woman to hold this position.

We cannot allow partisan attempts to smear Kristen’s stellar record in the civil rights movement to derail her nomination. Every last vote will matter. Will you commit to support Kristen Clarke’s confirmation and reach out to your colleagues to do the same?

I am ____________________________ from (town) ___________________. I request a response to this message.

Other States

Find Your Senators Contact Info Here

Hello Senator ________,

I am calling to ask you to commit yourself fully to the confirmation of Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, and to reach out to your Senate colleagues to do the same.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the Civil Rights Division “the tip of the spear of the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure justice for all,” something that Kristen Clarke has spent her entire career at the heart of. President Biden’s commitment for racial justice, including the key issues of protecting voting rights and policing reform, will succeed only if a uniquely-qualified individual like Kristen is in this post. Importantly, if confirmed, Kristen will be the first African-American woman to hold this position.

We cannot allow partisan attempts to smear Kristen’s stellar record in the civil rights movement to derail her nomination. Every last vote will matter. Will you commit to support Kristen Clarke’s confirmation and reach out to your colleagues to do the same?

I am ____________________________ from (town) ___________________. I request a response to this message.


Key background information on Kristen Clarke and the right wing campaign to derail her nomination can be found below.