Click on the titles below to expand and learn more.
Hold Trump and the GOP Accountable
- Protect the special counsel
- Stop Congressional Republicans from continuing to damage our democracy
A Fair Economy
- Reinstate the SALT deductions
- Fair tax policy, including replacing the tax scam bill
- Restore workers’ rights - stop wage theft and protect union rights
- Equal pay for equal work
- Raise the minimum-wage
- Expand paid leave and earned sick days
- Protect Social Security
- Expand pensions
- Stop financial predation and strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Health Care
- Protect and improve the Affordable Care Act
- Protect and improve Medicare and Medicaid (Medicare for All)
- Lower drug prices
- Protect insured patients against "surprise" or "balance" billing
- Defend women’s Reproductive Rights, protect Roe versus Wade and oppose all attacks on Planned Parenthood
- Expand coverage and access to mental health care
Common sense gun reforms
- Ban high capacity gun magazines
- Pass universal background checks
- Limit firepower on the streets and reinstate the ban on assault weapons
- Stop gun trafficking
- Fund gun violence research and intervention programs
- Prohibit gun ownership to domestic violence abusers
- Pass safe storage and mandatory theft reporting laws
Defend Our Rights; Justice, Equality and Equity
- Reform the criminal justice system
- End unjust mass incarceration that especially targets people of color
- Ban prisons for profit
- Stop extreme sentencing and end the mandatory minimum sentencing
- Legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs campaign
LGBTQI protection
- Passage of the Equality Act
- Reducing HIV/AIDS
- Establish a Congressional Advisory Commission on HIV/AIDS
- Protecting Transgender People
- Improving Our Commitment to LGBTQI Rights Globally
Stop abusive police practices
- Demilitarize our police force
- Invest in Community Policing
- Community oversight
- Develop new rules for allowable use of force by police
- Fund and require body cameras and hold law enforcement officers accountable
- End racial profiling
Common-sense immigration reform
- Path to citizenship for those that have been living and working here for years
- Enactment of the DREAM Act and relief for Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
- No Wall
- humane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers
Invest in green infrastructure and public transportation
- Federal funds for mass transit, particularly the Gateway Project
- Infrastructure package that would aim to restore and maintain environmental protections and labor standard
- Upgrade the country’s 56,000+ structurally deficient bridges
- Improve intercity passenger rail service
- Ensure railroads implement automatic braking systems and advance severe-weather resilient infrastructure
Environmental Protection and Justice
- Sign the Paris Accords
Clean Energy :
- Invest in clean sustainable energy, green job development and renewable fuels that cut carbon pollution and support
- Moratorium on all new fossil fuel free projects including the Keystone XL
- End the huge subsidies that benefit fossil fuel special interests
Protect Our Air and Water and Public Lands
- Save the Clean Power Plan and protect Clean Water Act
- Ban Arctic oil drilling and all offshore drilling
- Close the loopholes that allow the chemical, oil and gas industries to pollute our air and water
- Ground Act to ban future fossil fuel leases on our public lands
- Protect the EPA
- Protect our National Parks from development and drilling
- Reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund with full and dedicated funding
Environmental Justice:
- Create a national environmental and climate justice plan that recognizes the heightened public health risks faced by low-income and minority communities
Defend and Strengthen Our Democracy
Remove obstacles to voting
- Restore, protect and expand voting rights: Restore the preclearance section to the 1965 Voting Rights Act Make voting easier and limit voting requirements
- Provide additional funding to the states for secure election equipment
Take special interest money out of politics
- Mandate disclosure of outside money
- Establish a public financing match for small contributions
- Repair the Federal Elections Commission, tighten rules on super PACs
- Overturn Citizens United (a long term goal)
Close loopholes in government ethics law
- Expand ban on conflicts of interest to cover presidents
- Require presidential candidates to make their tax returns public
- Prohibit Members of Congress form serving on for-profit boards
- End taxpayer funded settlements for office holders in cases of employee harassment
Defend the right to free speech and independent media
- Protect Net Neutrality
- National Automatic Voter Registration
- Independent Redistricting commissions
- Provide state support for tuition-free community colleges
Make college affordable for all
- Create a manageable student debt plan
- Strengthen public education
- Develop pathways to post-secondary school, quality employment