Sponsor Our Election Efforts

Custom Amount

Every little bit helps us run our election efforts. We could not continue fighting without your support.

Donate As Much As You Feel Comfortable

  • You choose the amount to donate
  • Give as a one time donation or monthly
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Digital Ads

Highly targeted ads are delivered in key swing districts and towns using these and other graphics. These ads are highly effective at swaying swing voters. Since the ads are not overtly for one candidate or another they appeal to swing voters and Republicans considering voting Democrat.


  • One week of our ad campaign
  • 100,000 ads delivered
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  • Two weeks of our ad campaign
  • 200,000 ads delivered
  • Ads targeting multiple towns and races
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  • Four weeks of our ad campaign
  • 400,000 ads delivered
  • Multiple towns and races supported
  • Creation of additional ads targeting out of state races
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Post Card Mailings

We have designed and produced thousands of postcards that we will be sending to key towns in swing districts across the country. These are non partisan postcards that layout the facts between the two candidates on a specific issue. You can see an example of one of our postcards here.


  • Produce and ship 500 postcards.

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  • Produce and ship 1000 postcards.
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  • Post card design and address acquisition for a new swing district.
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Peer To Peer Texting

Our peer to peer texting operation allows our volunteers to communicate one on one with thousands of voters in key swing districts a week. We are working closely with the Democratic Party to target key areas where our volunteers can be the most effective in taking back the Senate. This one on one interaction is invaluable when it comes to getting voter attention and participation.


  • Allows us to send 5,500 texts.
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  • Allows us to send 11,000 texts.
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  • Allows us to send and receive 50,000 texts.
  • Allows us to buy into a higher tier of our texting service reducing the cost of all our texts. This will double our capacity and increase the value of every donation we receive.
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By becoming a BlueWaveNJ member you help us make long term goals. A small recurring contribution monthly or yearly is the best way that we can predict what long term goals we can achieve. The fight does not end in November 

$100 - Annual

Become a True Blue member for 100 dollars a year.


$200 - Annual

Become a Champion member for 200 dollars a year.


$500 - Annual

Become a Sponsor member for 500 dollars a year.


$10 - Monthly

Become a True Blue member for 10 dollars a month.


$20 - Monthly

Become a Champion member for 20 dollars a month.


$50 - Monthly

Become a Sponsor member for 50 dollars a month.
