Constituents of US Rep Leonard Lance (R-NJ Congressional District 7) and representatives of
environmental, community and labor groups with tens of thousands of members in his district rallied outside the
Congressman’s office today to demand that Lance cease supporting the Trump Administration’s attack on the
environment, science and facts.
The action comes on the heels of Earth Day.
“When he was a State legislator, Lance’s record on the environment was not great, but not awful. But since
being in Congress, Lance has had an abysmal record on environmental issues. He has been a loyal foot soldier
supporting the Trump/Pruitt assault on the environment.” said John Reichman, Co-Chair of BlueWave NJ’s
Environmental Committee.
“Lance’s voting record speaks for itself” said Amy Goldsmith, State Director of Clean Water Action. “Clean
Water Action prepares a legislative score card for all members of Congress with 100% being the highest mark
and 0% the lowest. Lance joined a select group of far-right climate deniers from deep red states in scoring a 0 in
the 113 th and 114 th Congressional sessions. His voting record is hardly better this current session, where he
voted in favor of (i) dirty water bills to gut the Clean Water Act protections from pesticide use and allow coal
debris to be dumped into mountain streams; (ii) overturning the common sense policy of requiring fossil fuel
producers to reduce methane emissions, one of the principal causes of global warming; and (iii) bills that will
hinder the ability of the EPA from using fair and independent scientific research.” A partial list of the votes
Lance has taken in support of the Trump/Pruitt agenda is attached.
“Lance’s position on the environment is completely out of step with the positions and desires of his
constituents, who want clean air and clean water and recognize that climate change is real and science matters,”
said Marci Bandelli of Westfield 20/20. Westfield 20/20 has been holding weekly rallies at Lance’s Westfield
office to highlight Lance’s utter disconnect with his constituents. “Lance projects himself as a moderate, but he
is anything but that,” added Lauren Morse of NJ 7 Forward, a grassroots coalition dedicated to protecting and
representing the interests of the citizens of the 7 th CD.
The Leonard Lance I once knew is ancient history, added Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.
“While we are faced with serious problems such as cleaning up toxic sites, climate change and contaminated
drinking water, Lance supports the Pruitt/Trump agenda of rolling back environmental protections. Pruitt’s
gross ethical violations are part and parcel of his assault on long standing and popular environmental
“Congressman Lance is trying to have it both ways on the environment -- he pretending to be an
environmentalist while also playing to the Trump base, supporting the most anti-environmental Congressional
leadership in the past 50 years and voting to remove environmental protections,” said Doug O’Malley,
Environment New Jersey’s director. “For years Lance has gotten away with this con. We are here to expose
Lance’s hypocrisy and consistent support of the Trump/Pruitt environmental agenda.”
425 N Ave East
Westfield, NJ 07090
United States
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