BlueWaveNJ is a grassroots organization working toward a more fair and just society by advocating for progressive issues and electing candidates that share our values and concerns.
Many of our members have been active in the recent presidential primaries. Some have supported Hillary Clinton, some have been inspired by Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and some have been undecided.
Now is the time for everyone who believes in American values of liberty and justice for all to unite.
First, one thing should be self-evident — Donald Trump must never become president. This election represents a stark choice between inclusion and bigotry, between building bridges and building walls. This election is about more than who will be our next president, it is about what kind of country we will live in and what kind of country and world our children will inherit.
Secondly, this election is too important to sit out and not do everything we can to ensure that a Democrat becomes our next President and that Republicans do not remain in control of Congress.
After the June 7 primaries, we were grateful to hear Hillary Clinton reflect many of the issues amplified so powerfully by Bernie Sanders. And while there are differences between Clinton and Sanders, it is important to remember that they share many fundamental values, concerns, and commitment to social and economic justice.
For these positive reasons and others, BlueWaveNJ strongly endorses Hillary Clinton for President. We encourage our members and allies to join us to help ensure she becomes our next President and that progressive Democrats are elected at every level.
Marcia Marley, President
Board of BlueWaveNJ