NJ 11th Canvassing October 21st

Join BlueWaveNJ As We Canvass In The 11th

Everyone is welcome to join us as help to flip the 11th. Whether you are a canvassing expert or you have never done it before, you can help make a huge difference. We will be working closely with the the NJ11 Democrats to make sure that when we go out we have a large passionate group that will have an impact.

Help Us Turn The Tide!

We wanted to let you know there is a slight change of time for our canvass with Mikie Sherrill on the 20th/21st. Instead of the 10am/1pm launch there will be four different times you are encouraged to join:
  • 9am
  • 12pm
  • 3pm
  • 5pm
You are still welcome to join any time convenient for you, but for the campaigns convenience we recommend you arrive at one of the four canvassing launch times. Please let us know when you plan to join.
October 21, 2018 at 12:00pm - 4pm
NJ 11
5 Miller Rd
Wayne, NJ 07470
United States
Google map and directions
Erica Cetin Lisa Jenkins Linda Halper Roger Kruvant Paul Winke Lauren Carlton Michelle Ruess Adam Cohen Jill Arbuckle

Will you come?