Earth Day Rally

Join BlueWaveNJ  Earth Day April 22nd as we rally in Morristown to stop the defunding of the EPA and stand up for economic and environmental justice.

 Cosponsored by 32BJ SEIU & NJ 11th for Changeearth.jpg

It is no coincidence that our rally will be blocks from Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen’s office.  Citizen  pressure caused Frelinghuysen  to withdraw his support for the ACA repeal.  We must put even more pressure on him now.   As Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, he can stop the Trump administration’s unprecedented  plan to decimate the EPA and environmental regulation.

WE NEED EACH AND EVERY BLUEWAVE MEMBER AT THE RALLY to send Frelinghuysen  the message that he can’t give lip service to being an environmentalist, but has to have the guts to stand up for the environment, science  and what is right.

Please also join the tens of thousands of people who have signed our petition demanding  that Frelinghuysen maintain funding for the EPA. Follow this link to add your name to those who are standing  up for the environment.

If you would like to carpool, we will be meeting on Midland Ave. by Montclair High School at 11:00 that morning, please RSVP if you would like to car pool.

If you are not coming from Montclair and would like to find people with whom to carpool, please RSVP and then email [email protected] and let us know where you will be coming from.

April 22, 2017 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Vail Mansion
110 south St
Morristown, NJ 07960
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?