We know you have heard every negative adjective to describe 2020 and we are not going to add others. But in our hurry to kick 2020 and Trump's presidency goodbye, we should not forget the remarkable things BlueWaveNJ accomplished in the time of the pandemic. We phoned and we mailed until we dropped. The numbers are incredible:
- Over 2,000,000 phone calls to swing state voters
- Over 31,000 postcards sent to key races
- Over 200,000 digital ads delivered in key NJ house districts
And so much more.
...and, of course, the Biden/Harris ticket won their decisive victory and all New Jersey's Democratic congress members won their elections.
Thank you for everything you did to achieve these victories; we can all feel proud.
We are genuinely hopeful we can make significant progress in the New Year, both in New Jersey and Washington. We will be working every day for our democracy and planet, for affordable health care for all, reproductive rights, and an equitable economic recovery, to name only a few of next year's priorities.
Please consider making a donation to support our efforts at: https://www.bluewavenj.org/support, and please join us in 2021 to fight for a more progressive America.
Wishing you all a happy and safe New Year
Marcia Marley & The BlueWaveNJ Team