As we celebrate the New Year and head into 2019 we want to thank you for making BlueWaveNJ's 2018 accomplishments possible.
BlueWaveNJ members participated in over 1,700 canvassing shifts, that resulted in knocking on over 51,000 doors. We handed out over 20,000 postcards at train stations and canvassing events comparing the candidates positions on healthcare and the environment. The blue wave swept through New Jersey and we are proud that almost our entire congressional delegation is blue.
But BlueWaveNJ's work did not stop with the election. During the last two months, our issue advocacy at the state level continued to expand, working with both the Governor and legislature to push back against a bad redistricting / gerrymandering bill, supporting a $15 minimum wage and expanded voting rights, as well as helping to launch a No Fossil Fuel Projects Campaign for our state. In addition, our health care group was busy ensuring that New Jerseyans were aware of the Dec. 15th deadline for continued ACA coverage.
Our 2019 plans are even more ambitious and include both state and national advocacy. Read our national priorities below:
And thanks to your grassroots activism that flipped the house, BlueWaveNJ will be busy working with New Jersey's newly elected Congressional delegation to demand the House pass critical national priorities from health care and infrastructure to the protection and restoration of our Democracy and Constitutional Rights. Remember electing Democrats is only the first step, the next is to remind our politicians why we elected them. Support our efforts by signing up for a bus to Washington during the last week in January.
Help Support BlueWaveNJ and Progressive Causes:
Upcoming BlueWaveNJ Events
The People's State Of The State - January 10th
We are starting the New Year with our People's State of the State on January 10th, which will outline the progressive policies that our state requires and our legislators need to pass. Sign up below.
DC Trip To Meet With New Jersey Congressional Delegation- End Of January
We will be taking buses down to DC at the end of January to meet with the entire New Jersey Congressional Delegation. We are working with all our representatives to select a day where we can meet. We will have a final date selected and sign ups available in the next few days. The three final days we are deciding between are the 28th, 29th and 30th. Stay tuned for more details.