Jay Webber's Voting Record Proves That He's Wrong For The 11th And Wrong For Congress.

Since Rodney Frelinghuysen announced his retirement earlier this year, only one Republican has announced that they will attempt to fill his seat. Jay Webber is currently the only Republican running in the 11th. We did some digging into his voting record in the Assembly to find out what kind of congressman he would make.

It is clear from his voting record that he is wrong for the 11th.

Jay Webber Voting Record:

  • Nay on a bill reducing maximum capacity of ammunition magazines
  • Nay on prohibiting sexual conversion therapy
  • Nay on statewide firearms buyback
  • Nay on bill authorizing restrictions on solitary confinement (includes individuals 21 or younger or with severe disabilities--thought he was pro-life? loves the disabled?)
  • Nay on bill that prohibits blocking entry of people from certain countries
  • Nay on bill that prohibits sale of certain toy guns and firearms
  • Nay on loans for development of green buildings
  • Nay on giving adopted persons access to birth certificates
  • Nay on mail-in ballots
  • Nay on same-sex marriage
  • Nay on one-year moratorium on fracking
  • Nay on requirement for each municipality to provide affordable housing opportunities
  • Nay on increases on income tax on incomes over $1 million
  • Nay on increasing minimum wage
  • Nay on bill requiring background checks prior to purchase of a firearm
  • Nay on handgun purchasing limitations
  • Nay on school construction bonds

He is wrong the 11th. Wrong for New Jersey. Wrong for the United States Congress.

He is the Paul Ryan of NJ.


Researched by Peg Rosen.