New Jersey is a key battleground state for the 2018 midterms with 3 Congressional Districts in play. Russian interference infected the 2016 elections and we know it will happen again. In New Jersey there are only DRE, Direct Recording Electronic, voting machines in service. With these machines, there is only a tally of votes without a paper trail to verify each voter's intent.
New Jersey is one of only five states in the entire nation that has done nothing to secure the accuracy and integrity of the results of the upcoming 2018 election As a consequence, New Jersey's voting system is insecure and vulnerable to machine error, human error, and malicious tampering.
Democrats in Congress tried to provide states with funding to secure our voting systems, but the Republicans voted it down.
Call, fax, and message Governor Murphy, and NJ Secretary of State Tahesha Way and urge the Gov. to issue an executive order mandating that every newly-purchased or leased voting system in the state requires:
- A voter-marked ballot for every vote cast, to serve as the vote of record.
- A non-tabulating ballot marking device in every polling place, to meet federal disability access requirements.
- An optical or digital ballot scanner in every polling place to enable the prompt tabulation and reporting of unofficial electronic results on Election Day, to be confirmed subsequently by manual audits and or recounts.
NJ’s elections will be hacked unless you act now. I urge you to designate funding for the only system impervious to hacking: voter marked paper ballots, optical scanners, and non-tabulating voting devises for the handicapped. Retrofitting our outdated machines will not make them secure. FUND PAPER BALLOT VOTING NOW. This is urgent.
Contact Info:
Call: (609) 292-6000
Fax: 609-292-3454
Tahesha Way, NJ Sectretary of State
Call: 609-777-0884
Fax: (609) 292-7665
Email: [email protected]
Tweet @SecretaryWay
More Info Here: