This past Saturday, BlueWaveNJ co-sponsored a live taping of SiriusXM's The Dean Obeidallah show featuring a Town Hall with gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy at the First Congregational Church in Montclair.
Answering interview questions from Obeidallah and the audience, including many members of BlueWaveNJ, Murphy drove his progressive platform home to a packed and enthusiastic house.
The Town Hall will air as a one hour special on The Dean Obeidallah Show tonight, September 28th, at 8pm.
Throughout the hour-long session, Murphy reiterated that addressing NJ’s struggling economy would be his first priority as Governor. He said he would fight to create an economy that works for everyone by strengthening the middle class and generating green energy jobs in the state. Murphy declared that during these turbulent times, when the Federal government is rapidly destroying basic rights of Americans, "We are going to need governors with a steel backbone, and I want to be that governor for New Jersey."
Here are some highlights from the Q&A.
- Sherri Neuwirth, co-head of BlueWaveNJ’s health care group, kicked off the Q&A portion of the event by asking Murphy how he would ensure access to healthcare for NJ residents who don’t have employer-based plans or Medicare. Murphy said he would defend the ACA and push for a health-care-for-all system, akin to what exists in Germany, where he was U.S. ambassador from 2009-2013.
- Murphy linked the issue of high property taxes to the Christie administration's policy of underfunding public schools by 9 billion dollars, almost the exact amount given in tax breaks to corporations. This forces communities to raise local taxes to bridge the gap. Murphy promised to fully fund public schools.
- Murphy said he would move to reinstate funding to Planned Parenthood in the state, fight to protect the Dreamers, who call New Jersey home, and fight Trump’s travel ban.
Prior to the taping, Obeidallah invited BlueWaveNJ's President Marcia Marley on his nationally broadcast show. Marcia talked about the important role that BWNJ and similar organizations are doing in resisting the Trump agenda and working towards progressive policies locally and statewide.
Find out what you can do to help BWNJ Turn The Tide by electing progressives in NJ and making this outstanding progressive candidate the next governor of our great state.