Do You Know a Voter Away at College?

I’m Rebecca and I am a graduate of Montclair High School. Even though I am away at school, I want to make sure that my vote still matters. That is why I am voting by mail in this election.

As college students, we need to elect Phil Murphy for Governor and Progressive Candidates for State and Local offices to ensure our future. Issues that affect us most- including the environment, women’s rights, health Care, affordable education, and affordable housing- are all at stake after 8 years of Chris Christie's reign as New Jersey Governor. We need a change and we need it now. Phil Murphy is that change! 

If you are eligible to vote in NJ, but are currently away at college, I urge you to sign up to vote by mail. We need a change!


Let’s find out if you are registered to vote

The deadline to register to Vote for the General Election is Oct 17, 2017


The deadline to apply to "Vote by Mail" is Oct 31, 2017.

We will send you the right application To Vote By Mail for your Town

If you are Not Registered to Vote, Let us know below and we will send you the right Application to Register to Vote
