Tomorrow We Have The Power To Take Back New Jersey
Remember Nov. 2016? Since then we have been reminded daily that elections matter.
Well, it’s November again and tomorrow we have the power.
Tomorrow we can take back New Jersey by electing Phil Murphy and other progressive Democrats across the state--a first step in turning back the Trump tide.
I would be shocked if there is a single woman you know that hasn't been sexually harassed or assaulted.
The Current October 16th
Wow... we’ve been busy here at BlueWaveNJ!
Read on to learn about:
Upcoming Opportunities for Action
New resources to support your activism
BWNJ’s Coalition Initiatives
- Updates from our our Environment, Immigration and Health Care Committees as well as our Election Activities
Revenue from Environmental Damage Lawsuits Dedicated to Environmental Projects Amendment
Reject the ruinous Ryan budget; fund CHIP and community health centers
With the party of Trump in power, there's no rest for the weary on the healthcare and broader domestic spending front.
Do You Know a Voter Away at College?
I’m Rebecca and I am a graduate of Montclair High School. Even though I am away at school, I want to make sure that my vote still matters. That is why I am voting by mail in this election.
Town Hall With Phil Murphy
This past Saturday, BlueWaveNJ co-sponsored a live taping of SiriusXM's The Dean Obeidallah show featuring a Town Hall with gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy at the First Congregational Church in Montclair.
Answering interview questions from Obeidallah and the audience, including many members of BlueWaveNJ, Murphy drove his progressive platform home to a packed and enthusiastic house.
BlueWave's Healthcare Committee Speaks with Rep. Josh Gottheimer about "Problem Solvers'" ACA Compromise Proposal
On September 5, BlueWave's healthcare committee leadership and BlueWave President Marcia Marley had a phone conversation about efforts to stabilize the Obamacare private insurance marketplace with Representative Josh Gottheimer, the Democratic House member representing New Jersey's 5th District.
BlueWaveNJ Needs Your Financial Support
I don’t have to tell you that we are living through an unprecedented assault on our progressive values and victories for equality, justice and protections we have worked so hard to achieve for decades. Every day brings a new outrage from the Trump administration, from the gutting of environmental regulations to the rescinding of DACA.